About Astrix0
Our mission is to enable anyone to scale their tech startup - not just those who have the expertise or resources.
Our story
Having previously built, scaled and exited several tech startups, we found ourselves wanting to solve a new problem. So we started brainstorming ideas, and focused almost exclusively on our learnings from our prior startup experiences. What were the most difficult aspects? What did we spend most of our time doing? What did we struggle with the most?
The answer - on all things connected to successfully taking a product to market. Everything from writing sales contracts, figuring out how to market our product, hiring team members, making sure our financials were in order and our bills paid, and on and on and on. And thats when it hit us, what if we could build a product that helps founders and early teams with all of the above? And so Astrix0 was born.
Our purpose and vision
We exist to enable tech startups to scale their companies. It is currently far too difficult to manage all of the things required in scaling a company, and only those with either the resources or expertise have a chance at succeeding in doing so. Our vision is to be the last team member you will ever need to scale your startup - including everything from sales, marketing, finance and legal.